In our modern world, we are surrounded by a never-ending parade of “success” stories. Those who succeed are given platforms in the media and online. We give them permission to speak into our lives on all matters, no matter how unqualified they are. Think how many times someone we know feels comfortable trusting medical advice from a star athlete or financial advice from a TV personality yet questions the recommendations from their doctor or financial professional. The more meteoric the rise to success, the more we believe they should be trusted in all areas - until they are not. As quickly as society raises up a star, they will throw her to the curb when she fails.
We are a fickle people, and Jesus knew it. “Many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing. 24 But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people.”(Jn 2:23-24) The Greek in these two verses uses the same verb that we translate into the English words “believed” and “entrust.” John is contrasting the type of belief the people had in the signs with the true understanding Jesus possessed. Jesus did not believe in the people’s belief.
What are you believing in today? Are you jumping from new teaching to new teaching, or are you trusting in the tried-and-true lessons of the Scriptures? Are you obsessing over what’s currently trending on Twitter, or are you meditating on the eternal Word of God? Are you believing in people who are famously successful, or are you putting your belief in the One who knows all people?
In Christ,
Jonathon “Chappy” Swearingen