BBQ and Bingo Night! May 24th!

Bring a friend or two. 7:00-9:00pm

Clothes Closet Open 2nd Saturday and 4th Tuesday each month!

Our clothes closet is open to the neighborhood and community. We have free gently used clothes for babies up through adults. The Clothes Closet is open the second Saturday and fourth Tuesday of each month from 10:00am - noon. We gladly accept donations of clean, gently used clothes! We especially need kids’ clothes at this time. The Clothes Closet will be closed on December 26th.

Discipleship Bible Study - 2nd and 4th Wednesdays

Join us at 7:00pm to study God’s Word in a meaningful way to then share with others. Bring a friend who also wants to learn more about the Bible. We meet at the church.